Who says that Miku and Cloud can’t fight on the same team?
2025 Event Coordinator: AsheKat Cosplay (AsheGordon97@gmail.com)
Do you have the desire to fight a battle of wits? Or maybe you enjoy a good couple of rounds of senseless violence between characters that should never meet. Like Ever. Then we’ve got the perfect event for you!
This is a PG13 event. We advise the parents of applicants and guests of Cosplay chess to take this into account.
How it Works: Cosplay chess is a pre-scripted event that has your favorite characters battle for victory. Each team will have sixteen (16) players and are given roles of a standard chess board. This includes a King, Queen, two (2) Rooks, Bishops, and Knights, and eight (8) Pawns. Each player will move around the board according to their respective “Game Master’s” orders. When two players land on the same spot, it’s time to fight! All the other players will clear the board to make room, then the two combatants will duke it out till one meets their inevitable demise!
When the fight has concluded, all players return to their respective spots on the board and the match will continue. For your team to win, you must put the opposing King in checkmate!
IMPORTANT: Cosplay Event rules and regulations are posted on the Cosplay Events main page. If you have not already, please review these BEFORE you apply to any ConnectiCon events.