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Do you want to introduce the world to the wonders of plushies?

Can you scientifically prove that One Punch Man could punch through a shield made from vibranium?

Do you know the ins and outs of writing Fanfiction and want to pass along your knowledge to more people?

Do you have a panel idea that's so crazy it just might work?!

Become a panelist!

It's fun, exciting and compensated!

All you have to do is fill out the submission form below and you'll be notified by the Panels team if your panel or workshop is accepted!

If you have any questions, you can reach out to

  • A Panel Organizer is a person who submits and successfully hosts one or more panels at the ConnectiCon Physical Event.
    • A Panel Organizer may also request to have a co-panelist assist them with one or more panels, a Panel Organizer may not request more than two co-panelists total across all panels to receive co-panelist compensation.
    • A co-panelist is a person who is included on a Panel Organizer’s submission, and has an active role in hosting one or more panels with a Panel Organizer at ConnectiCon

Panelist Compensation

    Compensation for 2025 has changed from previous years—please take note! Changes have been made to expedite getting compensation to panelists after the conclusion of the convention.

    Compensation will apply only to panel organizers (not co-panelists) but has been increased from previous years.

    Compensation based on the number of Panels Hosted:

    • 1 Panel: Badge Reimbursed + $40
    • 2 Panels: Additional $120 (Total Compensation: $160 + Badge Reimbursement)
    • 3 Panels: Additional $140 (Total Compensation: $300 + Badge Reimbursement)
    • 4 Panels: Additional $150 (Total Compensation: $450 + Badge Reimbursement)

    Express Badge Pick-Up:

    A panel organizer (but not their entourage) may pick up their badge at the special badge pick-up location in the Marriott Hartford Downtown.

    Panel Pins:

    Panel organizers may also pick up a commemorative pin at the Panel Ops desk after completing each panel. For the panel room(s) they host in, they can collect a full set of all 10 panel room pins:

    • Azeroth Alpacas
    • Bespin Barracudas
    • Gotham Gundam
    • Everon Elementals
    • Jupiter Jackrabbits
    • Mandalore Mangoes
    • Nebula Narwhals
    • Utopia Unicorns
    • Wakanda Wombats
    • Yavin Yard Goats

    Submission form 👇

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